Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Nice Big Belly Laugh

I was showing Caleb some pictures of the developing fetus.  We were looking at the month-by-month pictures on WebMD, specifically week 20.  You can see the umbilical cord in the picture.  Caleb's response led me into an immediate deep belly laugh!

P.S. We are not at 20 weeks, only 13.  But I was showing Caleb the entire progression.

Here's the photo:

Caleb:  "Oh my gosh! That's a dog!" 
Lauren: "No, honey, that's a baby."
Caleb: "Oh my gosh!  That baby has a tail!"
Lauren: "No, honey, that's the umbilical cord.  It's how the baby gets food from the mommy."

1 comment:

  1. Lauren, this takes me back almost 33 years when I was showing similar pictures to then 7 yr old Cari, preparing her for the arrival of a new sibling. She took one look at the pictures...at the 10-12 week range...and exclaimed in disbelief: You mean we're gonna have a baby Casper (the ghost)??!! I still laugh about that! It got even funnier when she wanted to know how the baby was going to get 'out'....but thankfully, she never asked how it got 'in'! :)

    p.s. ...btw...congratulations!! And tell your mom 'hello'.
