Thursday, May 7, 2009

Gone, Gone

Don't hate me, please.  

I do agree with most people who comment on Caleb's hair; His curls are adorable!  However, I have become tired of unruly curls that make him look like a human poodle.  Therefore, I chopped them off.  You should see the pile of curls in the trash can (I didn't think you'd want to see the rest of what was in the trash can, so I didn't take a picture for you).

Yes, it is true.  I did this myself.  I have not yet brought myself to the point of paying for a haircut for my poor child.

Note that I did not cut his hair way back in the forehead area.  He has been blessed with my tall/huge/long forehead.  That's just the way it is!




  1. Yay! I actually love it! Such a handsome boy!

  2. I love a boy with short curly hair--I think it's the BEST way to be! You did a great job cutting it : )
