Either I'm emotionless or I'm strong. I did not cry. I mean, it's not like it's the first day of kindergarten. This is just two days a week for a few hours. I do miss him, though. The house is quiet except for the radio because it's Sarah's nap time. I think I can get over missing him as long as I focus on the freedom this provides...
We had a conversation last night that went something like this:
Caleb: Mommy, what are you going to do while I'm at preschool tomorrow?
Me: Probably go to the grocery store.
Caleb: (pouting) But I really want to go the the grocery store with you.
We had a conversation in the car that went something like this:
Caleb: Mommy, what if I'm at preschool and I really want to give you a hug?
Me: You can save that hug and give it to me when I pick you up.
Caleb: But what if I really want to give it to you while I'm at preschool?
Me: You can give me an extra big hug when I pick you up.
Caleb: (Silence as he thought about that)
When we arrived, he carried his own nap mat and backpack inside. He actually stopped at the outside doors and put his things down on the sidewalk. He reached up for a hug to tell me goodbye. I should have taken that hug because once he got to his classroom, he was off to play. He didn't even respond when I asked for a hug. And I was afraid to ask again for fear that he'd get emotional. He's been going back and forth between being excited to go to MDO and being sad about not being at home with Sarah and me.
So, here is a picture of Caleb waiting to be checked in.
This is Caleb with his teachers, Mrs. Terri and Mrs. Lori.
The finished nap mat, complete with a hand-sewn name.
My first attempt is far from perfect. Notice the uneven corners. Eh, Caleb didn't even notice.
Crazy kid is actually excited about nap time. At least for now...