Friday, December 19, 2008

Baylor Christmas Tree Lighting

Actually, the title is misleading.  We did not capture the actual lighting of the Christmas tree.  We did, however, take some other fun shots of ourselves.

Here is Caleb, me, and Kristin under a tree lit up with Christmas lights.

Here is the crowd we stuck with for most of the evening.  Julia, Maria, Melissa, Kristin, Caleb, and me.  

Although these pictures are sufficiently blurred, you can still get the idea.  In one, Caleb seems to be the only still object, while in the second, the camera focused on me.

Here Caleb is waiting patiently in line to see Santa Claus, whom Caleb is terrified of every time he sees Santa in person.  Caleb never made it that far that night.

This is the bear that our crowd was trying to "dance" with.  Notice the floodlight in the lower left corner of this photo.  Caleb touched the scorching hot bulb and fried his tiny little fingers.  He just now has broken blisters that no longer hurt.  That was a traumatic experience.  And that's just how I describe it in terms of how I was dealing.  

And here is the santa shot that Caleb and I were not a part of.  We had made our way downstairs for some first aid and a phone call to daddy so Caleb would stop screaming at the top of his lungs.

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