Monday, July 26, 2010

How To Clear the Clutter

Have a garage sale!

Mom, Kristin, my friend Beth, and I had a garage sale this past weekend.  It had been a long time in coming.  Our shed in the backyard was full of plastic storage bins and black garbage bags full of things that were too good to go straight to goodwill, but had done their duty in our house.

Mom ran the sale on her own on Friday morning, because the kids and I had VBS to finish up (at a different church).  Kristin, Beth, and I joined her for Satuday morning's sale.

All in all, we made almost $400.  But the most rewarding part is that we have money in our pockets and more space in our houses!  Mom came with her car loaded down, but returned home with only 3 boxes and a small television.  Kristin returned home with 3 more boxes than she started with, but all of that will be donated to her refugees.  I took 3 bins back to the shed.  I'll try to sell those the next go around.

My favorite part of the weekend was Saturday night.  Jadie watched the kiddos while Mom, Kristin, and I played BINGO and enjoyed a late, quiet dinner at Pei Wei.  What a relaxing few hours!

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