Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Mixed Up

I figure I'd better record this little story, because someday things will be oh-so-different.

So, Caleb was telling me this story about how if there's a fire in his house when he grows up, he will know how to get out.  Ok, normal...

Then he says that he will help Sarah to know how to get out.  A little abnormal for a grown man to be living with his sister...

Then he says that if he and Sarah have a baby....WAIT...that is not happening!

I stopped him right there and told him that he would not have a baby with his sister.

Truly, his line of thinking comes from the innocent love of a 4 year old brother for his baby sister.  All he is thinking about is that he wants to see his sister every day.  Seriously, he started crying at the thought of not seeing her every day when he grows up.

We will have to work on the details of that in the years to come.

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