Monday, December 13, 2010

Quote of the Day

Another gem from Caleb :-)

We were listening to Air One on the way to my BSF Leader's Meeting this morning.  They were talking about how Christmas was to celebrate Christ's birth.  They commented that many times we are more concerned with what we want to receive for Christmas.  Then the question was posed, "What gift could/would you give Jesus for his birthday?"

Caleb: "We could get a present and wrap it up for Jesus and, then, when he comes back to earth, we could give it to him."

Me: "That's a good idea."

Caleb: "And when we die, Jesus could open our present."

I'm not sure about all the details of how this would work, but my goodness, that kid understands some of the concepts we all struggle with.  I can only imagine the Father's joy!


  1. i love this kid. :)

    Caleb. one day you will be a great teacher. And there is no doubt in my mind that you will be a world changer.
