Friday, January 1, 2010

Personal Challenge

I have been taking a closer look at myself lately.  What I am discovering about myself is not pretty.  Don't worry, I'm not feeling hopelessly down on myself.  I just see much room for improvement.  So, I am setting forth with a challenge for myself this year.  

My goals will be posted in the right column on this blog, mostly for myself, but for you as well.  They are there for you to encourage me and spur me on toward my goal of becoming a better Christian, a better person, a better wife, mother, daughter, sister, granddaughter and friend.

Here's the beginning of my goal list:
  1. Post on the blog everyday.  Post about something that's stood out to me each day, no matter how small.  I hope for this goal to help me see the things in my life I have to be thankful for.
  2. Read the Bible everyday.  "All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness..." 2 Timothy 3:16
  3. Get out of bed before 8:00 am everyday.  This is by far the most difficult goal on my list.  I have gotten into a horribly selfish rut of staying in bed for an extra hour (or more) after Caleb wakes up.  I basically coach him to watch PBS for as long as he will.  I know, I told you there were some ugly things that would come out.
  4. Do something physically challenging everyday.  This may just consist of working out with the Wii.  It may mean walking around the block.  Whatever it is, I hope to develop a more healthy lifestyle.
  5. Order the water.   Not only is this helpful in my goal to return to a healthy (and more physically appealing) weight, but it also falls in line with my desire to more wisely spend (and save) our money.

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